

As somebody who is starting off in their career (how have I been graduated for a year already!!!) it is important to seize opportunities and gain a wide range of experience.

When somebody who I met through the WCIT asked if I wanted to do some work alongside her for a few of her clients, I jumped at the chance and I’m glad I did!

In the last couple of months I’ve been very quiet on this platform whilst a lot has been going on at my graduate scheme at Whitbread and whilst I’ve been setting up my company… Viberse.

Starting your own limited company can be a bit tricky to get your head round, and although Whitbread is my main occupation, I love how technology allows me to complete work for clients around my 9-5 job and social life, just to start adding a few more pennies into my house fund!

Viberse is a social media and email marketing consultancy company, I help to deliver relevant content to my client’s fan base with the aim of widening their online reach and interesting information to their subscribers.

I’ve learnt so much already and will continue to do so, this definitely shows the power of saying yes to every opportunity!

Viberse shameless plug… if you are needing help keeping track of your social media or need to strategise how to improve on your social footprint, feel free to contact me: or go to the website:


Wominspiration: Digital Marketing

Had a great evening yesterday speaking about my career and how i digital market, honoured to have been asked by Eileen Brown as it was her BCS Digital Marketer book launch 📚

Met some lovely people and it’s always great to put yourself out there to practice speaking and support events when you can.


2018 Reflection

2018 has been an incredible year for me personally, winning the WCIT Student Award and becoming a Journeyman, graduating with a First Class Honours BSc after 4 years of hard work, and moving back home to start my graduate job as a Solution Architect Graduate at Whitbread. I’ve been lucky enough to have traveled to Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Corfu, Rome and Edinburgh this year. For all of this and more I am incredibly grateful, as well as, for the support from my friends and family throughout it all.

In terms of this blog, it has been going for just over 1 year and it has grown exponentially in terms of views and social media followers… so in true techy form, here is some data about our 2018 success:

Total Social Media followers (inc. Twitter, Instagram & FaceBook): 2,472

Total Blog Views: 4,032

Total Blog Visitors: 1,922

Total Blog Post Likes: 198


In 2018, blog views have been from all corners of the Earth, including:

UK, US, India, Austrailia, Canada, Malaysia, Netherlands, Romania, Germany, Japan, Italy, France, Kenya, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Nigeria, Hong Kong SAR China, Philippines, Ukraine, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, China, New Zealand, Austria, Indonesia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Nepal, Greece, Poland, Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Guyana, Thailand, Russia, Croatia, Oman, Iceland, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Turkey, Denmark, Vietnam, Costa Rica and Switzerland… AMAZING!

The #DOIT Campaign brought the most amount of views, will be looking to do this more and I really love hearing other #WomenInTech and #WomenInSTEM stories, so if you would like to contribute, please comment below or contact me via here or social media – would love to hear from you!

Thank you & Happy New Year!


Sidra Khan – IT Testimonial

Deciding to go into IT was quite a journey for me – I found that whilst I was growing up, there were so many paths I could take but never figured out what was appealing to me.

When I was young, I had a huge interest in computers and at one point thought I had all the ingredients to become a master hacker, I was just so interested in the logic behind systems – which was something that no one really educated me about back then.

It wasn’t until I reached my GCSEs where I accidentally picked IT as one of my subjects that my interest was re-ignited. I always had it in my head that IT was ‘just for boys’ but that was quickly shaken off by my female IT teacher who encouraged me to take it a step further.

It was my favourite subject and I loved the fact that IT wasn’t just about being technical. It has so many different elements like design and analysis alongside abit of coding. After alot of research I decided to go into university to study IT, and soon realised how under represented females are in the field!

I made it my goal to make it into an IT related job, to bring a sense of diversity and try to be a role model for those who think IT is ‘just for boys’.

By Sidra Khan


Yoko Nishida – IT Testimonial

There were three ‘P’ reasons why I wanted to go into IT.

1) Pragmatical -Technology is always developed for resolving some problem or searching the opportunities. As a STEM female, it’s quite fun to tackle the challenges with practical approach, isn’t it?

2) Potential – IT is always growing and it’s never ending journey to find something new or learn something old deeper. It meets my purpose to do something new for people.

3) People – There always exists people behind IT. I love people and love to help people. I believe IT is a partner of people to make our life easier.

Those are why I really like to be a part of IT.

By Yoko Nishida, GSK

LinkedIn: Yoko Nishida


Titilayo Belo – IT Testimonial

The reason why I went into IT is because I had a genuine passion for Technology from a young age. Although, I did consider different career paths my love and curiosity concerning the rapid development of technology continued to grow. Therefore, I chose to study computer science at university.

My course continued to deepen my interest because it became evident that technology has no limits as you can create whatever you desire. The only thing that could limit you is your lack of skills which can easily be improved with a bit of practice.

I went into IT because it doesn’t put you in a box. It encourages you to think outside the box to get the best results.


By Titilayo Belo